CLOUDS – Code, Creativity, and Immersion

An interactive (and immersive) documentary on code and creativity,  Jonathan Minard and James George’s CLOUDS is an ambitious project that is several years in the making. CAN donned an Oculus Rift DK2, explored its landscape and has weighed-in with a review.

Pictus Interruptus and Other Notes on the Selfie

Drawing on his expansive knowledge of the history of representation, artist and scholar Pablo Garcia ruminates on the significance of the selfie in response to the ‘New Perspectives’ theme of HOLO 1’s PERSPECTIVE section.


The Good Life is an ‘Enron Email Simulator’ that allows a reader to subscribe to the 500,000 emails that were released in the aftermath of the American Energy company’s 2001 scandal and downfall.

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An interactive (and immersive) documentary on code and creativity,  Jonathan Minard and James George’s CLOUDS is an ambitious project that is several years in the making. CAN donned an Oculus Rift DK2, explored its landscape and has weighed-in with a review.

Created by Paolo Salvagione, String Fountain is a kinetic sculpture that uses propulsion to elevate a continuous piece of string into the air.

Drawing on his expansive knowledge of the history of representation, artist and scholar Pablo Garcia ruminates on the significance of the selfie in response to the ‘New Perspectives’ theme of HOLO 1’s PERSPECTIVE section.

Rebus Cumulations combines abstract data visualisation and cinemagraphic still lifes into an alchemy of different artistic languages presented in the three meter installation for Soundcloud HQ in Berlin.

Robo Faber is an autonomous drawing robot determined to continuously reproduce graphic connectors. It creates drawings generated using a preset system that is based on the the same process as drawings created by hand.