Created by Kynd in collaboration with Yu Miyashita (Sound), ‘Expressions’ is a series of artworks exploring the physicality of thick and bold paint-like dynamic constructs that emerge from illuminated digital space revealing an intricate play of shapes, light and shadow.

Created by Taipei based Keith Lam, Seth Hon and Alex Lai, “Cycling Wheel” in an installation and performance that borrows the concept of Marcel’s Bicycle Wheel and re-imagines it as a dynamic and interactive performative instrument, transforming its mechanics into sound and light.

Curated in collaboration with EWHA’s Cross Media Lab, Kimchi and Chips and CreativeApplications.Net, The Distortion Field is a discussion concerning the connection between artists and audiences within emerging media.

Curated in collaboration with the Moscow-based sound, art and technology community MIGZ, we are pleased to announce the Educational Programme for the Moscow International Festival “Circle of Lights” taking place 5th and 6th October at the Red October district.