Text Document out of Focus – Jan Robert Leegte

  • Description
  • Text Document out of Focus, 2008
    (JavaScript restoration of Flash original, 2024)
    A text editor or word processor is an archetypical piece of software, a white sheet with a blinking cursor, ready to type, erase, copy and paste. The blur on the other hand is an artefact from a very different media culture, that of photography and by extension film. The out of focus effect is physically a produce of lens based media, and even our own biological lenses.
    The work puts the focal depth of the observing lens on a plane far away from the screen, dissolving the always pristine crispness and sharpness of the computer interface in an absent yet fully interactive state.
  • metadata / artifactUri / displayUri
  • can.nft$.v2.1.2023.03
  • /++

