My little piece of Privacy [Processing]

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CAN 2019 – Highlights and Favourites

As per tradition each year, December is when we look back at the amazing work published on CAN. From ingenious machines and installations to mesmerising experiences that leverage new mediums for artistic inquiry – we added scores of projects to CAN’s archive in 2019. Here are some highlights.

Scout — A smart-home counterspy agent

Our homes are increasingly populated by connected objects. Bulbs, thermostats, TVs, voice assistants and many other devices all try to make our life easier, but in exchange, they constantly collect and share information about us, with their makers and with other companies. And as these devices become part of our home life routines, it’s hard…

Into the Great Beyond – Inventing Futures at IAM Weekend 18 (April 27 to 29)

The future is calling (again): in just a few short days, Barcelona’s IAM Weekend returns to the nexus of internet culture and cybernetic serendipity with an exciting mix of talks, workshops, and masterclasses. Join us as we attempt “The Subversion of Paradoxes” in search of the great beyond. The term ‘multidisciplinary’ gets thrown around a…

LAUREN – Smart (human) intelligence for the home

Created by Lauren McCarthy, “LAUREN” is an online experiment where she attempts to become a human version of Amazon Alexa, a smart home intelligence for people in their own homes. The project will take place as an online three day performance that begins with an installation of a series of custom designed networked smart devices in peoples’ homes.

Postgram – A bot for ‘human storytelling’

Created by Sebastian Vargas at ECAL (Bachelor Media & Interaction Design), Postgram is a bot for human storytelling that explores issues of public data, privacy and image making using a process of “fair hack” to develop a story narrative. It speculate about the social network behaviour and search for new possibilities for film content.

FIBER Festival 2015: Symposium & Workshop vvvv

With The Subterranean theme FIBER Festival has a devised a metaphor to explore the politico-aesthetics of our digital world. In an extensive programme covering two days, the visitor can immersive him or herself in the shadowy world of new aesthetics and interactive forms, created by artists whose toolboxes extend to online communities, dark patterns, data and algorithms.

HOLO 2 – Back to the (not-so-distant) future

Learn more about the making of HOLO 2. Featuring over 30 contributors from a dozen countries and a hefty 200 pages of premium print, HOLO returns and endeavours to be smarter, more substantive, and more special than our first issue.

Deep Lab, Deep Dive – Book Sprint at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry

This past December a dozen artists, activists, and researchers converged at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry for a book sprint. Led by Addie Wagenknecht, the all-women cadre convened under the collective moniker Deep Lab, and examined how privacy, security, surveillance, and large-scale data aggregation are problematized in the arts, culture and society.

You are not your browser history.

Sorry, this is Members Only content. Please Log-in. Join us today by becoming a Member. • Archive: Access thousands of projects, scores of essays, interviews and reviews.• Publish: Post your projects, events, announcements.• Discuss: Join our Discord for events, open calls and even more projects.• Education: Tutorials (beginners and advanced) with code examples and downloads.•…


Created by Román Torre and Ángeles Angulo (Rotor Studio), THERO is an object designed to allow users to manage and be aware of their data traffic in a (literally) physical way.

Continuing a series of works that question privacy in the age of mass surveillance, Aram Bartholl provides a few tips in the video below on practical and impractical things you can do to your phone.

Category: Members / News

Sorry, this is Members Only content. Please Log-in. Join us today by becoming a Member. • Archive: Access thousands of projects, scores of essays, interviews and reviews.• Publish: Post your projects, events, announcements.• Discuss: Join our Discord for events, open calls and even more projects.• Education: Tutorials (beginners and advanced) with code examples and downloads.•…

The Air Quality Sensor is a beautiful home object that helps you discover how air quality is affecting your environment – now looking for support via Kickstarter.

NUCA is an AI-powered camera that captures individuals in their purest form – no clothing, literally stripped down to their authentic selves in their natural state.

Luciferins—inspired by bioluminescent fish and the plethora of invisible network traffic that surrounds us—is an interactive environment of hanging fiber structures, filling a 15 x 15 foot space.

Created by Dries Depoorter, ’24h Sunrise/Sunset’ is an installation that displays a realtime sunset and sunrise somewhere happening in the world with the use of CCTV.

Category: Arduino / Members / Python
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As per tradition each year, December is when we look back at the amazing work published on CAN. From ingenious machines and installations to mesmerising experiences that leverage new mediums for artistic inquiry – we added scores of projects to CAN’s archive in 2019. Here are some highlights.

OpenDataCam is a open source tool to quantify the world. It consists of a camera attached to a mini computer that is running an object detection algorithm that counts and tracks moving objects.

HOLO curates a series of critical conversations and hands-on exercises as part of the 20th Edition of MUTEK Monreal, Aug 20-25.

In Elektra’s 20th year common themes from throughout the history of the festival of machinic bodies and digital transcendence are explored in depth and pushed to their extremes.

Don’t miss the 9th installment of this inspiring Creative Technology Conference.

Our homes are increasingly populated by connected objects. Bulbs, thermostats, TVs, voice assistants and many other devices all try to make our life easier, but in exchange, they constantly collect and share information about us, with their makers and with other companies. And as these devices become part of our home life routines, it’s hard…

Category: Member Submissions

Created by Bjørn Karmann and Tore Knudsen, Alias is a teachable “parasite” that is designed to give users more control over their smart assistants, both when it comes to customisation and privacy.

The future is calling (again): in just a few short days, Barcelona’s IAM Weekend returns to the nexus of internet culture and cybernetic serendipity with an exciting mix of talks, workshops, and masterclasses. Join us as we attempt “The Subversion of Paradoxes” in search of the great beyond. The term ‘multidisciplinary’ gets thrown around a…

Review of the exhibition last month at the Asia Culture Center in Gwangju, South Korea – a collection of 12 works questioning the essential meaning and significance of the data world.

Created by Lauren McCarthy, “LAUREN” is an online experiment where she attempts to become a human version of Amazon Alexa, a smart home intelligence for people in their own homes. The project will take place as an online three day performance that begins with an installation of a series of custom designed networked smart devices in peoples’ homes.

‘How much should we let algorithms shape our lives?’ is the question at the heart of Ed Finn’s recent book “What Algorithms Want: Imagination in the Age of Computing”. Scanning Silicon Valley, computer science, and the cultural sphere alike it offers a smart and accessible reading of our current moment.

A follow-up to the influential 2012 booklet series “Critical Making,” “Disobedient Electronics: Protest” is a new zine by Vancouver-based theorist and educator Garnet Hertz that uses dissent as a lens to survey electronics-based projects and practices.

An output of the Office for Creative Research, OCR Journal #002 documents the process and philosophy of the Brooklyn-based studio specializing in complex data-informed projects.

Category: Members / Review
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Created by Jochen Maria Weber, Foxes Like Beacons is an exploratory project using open data of public radio stations with inexpensive, low-power signal detection in order to create an open positioning system.

Created by Sebastian Vargas at ECAL (Bachelor Media & Interaction Design), Postgram is a bot for human storytelling that explores issues of public data, privacy and image making using a process of “fair hack” to develop a story narrative. It speculate about the social network behaviour and search for new possibilities for film content.

As part of the London Design Festival 2015, data design agency, Signal Noise, have curated a selection of projects that explore these issues and invite you to decide – do you accept the terms and conditions?

Category: Members / News
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Created by Nick Hardeman for the music track by Bruzed, Deserve is an interactive visual experiment that comes as a stand alone OSX app.

With The Subterranean theme FIBER Festival has a devised a metaphor to explore the politico-aesthetics of our digital world. In an extensive programme covering two days, the visitor can immersive him or herself in the shadowy world of new aesthetics and interactive forms, created by artists whose toolboxes extend to online communities, dark patterns, data and algorithms.

Category: CAN Events
Tags: / / /

Created by Berlin based designer Jochen Maria Weber, Cuckoo is a communication device that uses social network as a means of private communication.

Learn more about the making of HOLO 2. Featuring over 30 contributors from a dozen countries and a hefty 200 pages of premium print, HOLO returns and endeavours to be smarter, more substantive, and more special than our first issue.

This past December a dozen artists, activists, and researchers converged at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry for a book sprint. Led by Addie Wagenknecht, the all-women cadre convened under the collective moniker Deep Lab, and examined how privacy, security, surveillance, and large-scale data aggregation are problematized in the arts, culture and society.

Sorry, this is Members Only content. Please Log-in. Join us today by becoming a Member. • Archive: Access thousands of projects, scores of essays, interviews and reviews.• Publish: Post your projects, events, announcements.• Discuss: Join our Discord for events, open calls and even more projects.• Education: Tutorials (beginners and advanced) with code examples and downloads.•…


1-30 of 48


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  • Afrotopia
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  • Jane Murison
  • KOSMICA Institute
  • Lighthouse Brighton
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  • MIAN
  • MIT Press
  • Mapping Festival
  • MaxMSP
  • Multi Channel Sound
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  • OSX
  • Objects
  • PC Music
  • Plywood
  • Printed paper
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  • PyTorch
  • Raspberry Pi
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  • SN74HC595N multiplexer
  • Semiconductor
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  • Somerset House
  • Somerset House Studios
  • Stable Diffusion
  • The Current Museum of Art
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