
re-frame is a generative artwork that is using the copyright-free, CC0-licensed collection data of the Finnish National Gallery in its implementation. It has been selected into one of the shortlisted artworks of Combine24, a generative art competition organized by the Gallery.

gr1dflow – Exploring recursive ontologies

gr1dflow is a collection of artworks created through code, delving into the world of computational space. While the flowing cells and clusters showcase the real-time and dynamic nature of the medium, the colours and the initial configuration of the complex shapes are derived from blockchain specific metadata associated with the collection.

Atlås – Guided, generative and conversational music experience for iOS

Created by Agoston Nagy, Atlås is an ‘anti game environment’ that generates music in a conversational cognitive space. The app includes automatically generated tasks that are solved by machine intelligence without the need of human input. Agoston questions ad infinitum (ability to continue forever), presence, human cognition, imagination, and more broadly corporate driven automatisms and advanced listening practices.
