KRILLER – Globally synced broadcast of synth-soaked ambient software

KRILLER is an eternally looping, seven day, globally synced audio-visual broadcast of synth soaked ambient software (online) experience. The weeklong broadcast is divided into 6300 software art ‘cassettes’, each bound to a specific moment of time during the week, minted by its fabricator, and seamlessly fusing with its predecessor and successor to form audiovisual duets and mashups.

Scriptographer [Mac, Windows]

Scriptographer is a scripting plugin for Adobe Illustrator. It gives the user the possibility to extend Illustrator’s functionality by the use of the JavaScript language.


KRILLER is an eternally looping, seven day, globally synced audio-visual broadcast of synth soaked ambient software (online) experience. The weeklong broadcast is divided into 6300 software art ‘cassettes’, each bound to a specific moment of time during the week, minted by its fabricator, and seamlessly fusing with its predecessor and successor to form audiovisual duets and mashups.

I Follow is an ongoing series of computer generated flip books created by Matthias Dörfelt where the creature, landscape and animation are randomly generated, using Matthias’ hand drawn marks.

Created by Jürg Lehni & Jonathan Puckey, Paper.js is an open source vector graphics scripting framework that runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas.

MIT Media Lab approached TheGreenEyl and E Roon Kang to update their identity for the lab’s 25th anniversary. The algorithm is a Processing application that generates the individual logos. The team used it to generate 40.000 logos in 12 color combinations (~480.000 total).

Scriptographer is a scripting plugin for Adobe Illustrator. It gives the user the possibility to extend Illustrator’s functionality by the use of the JavaScript language.

Category: Mac / Members / Windows
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