Make A Snowflake Yours [Processing]

Inspired by the recent papercamp, presentation by Laura Dickinson (photos) and work by Richard Sweeney, Sermad Buni and tbwa-london commissioned Karsten Schmidt to create an application that would generate unique snowflake from your name – the twist is that we also give you a pattern that you print, cut out, stick together and you have your own 3D paper snowflake.


Created by London based convivial studio, Kinedioscope is a technique used to create animated depth effects on static photographs. The process is comprised of reverse-engineering the technology of photogrammetry in order to perfectly align the photography with the perspective of the 3D model and create depth and masking effects.

Inspired by the recent papercamp, presentation by Laura Dickinson (photos) and work by Richard Sweeney, Sermad Buni and tbwa-london commissioned Karsten Schmidt to create an application that would generate unique snowflake from your name – the twist is that we also give you a pattern that you print, cut out, stick together and you have your own 3D paper snowflake.