For the 7th time now, 600 experience designers and creative technologists will join us this October in Munich to take a close look at all things interactive. As always, we’ll not just feature talks and workshops but also a hands-on exhibition showcasing interactive projects from graduates and design studios all the way to companies like Bosch and BMW.


For the 7th time now, 600 experience designers and creative technologists will join us this October in Munich to take a close look at all things interactive. As always, we’ll not just feature talks and workshops but also a hands-on exhibition showcasing interactive projects from graduates and design studios all the way to companies like Bosch and BMW.

What can only be described as a visual exploration of topography using computer interface, Wanderings 2.0 is the latest in the exquisite portfolios of work by London based in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist Ed­gor Kraft and Saint Petersburg’s Alexander Lezius.

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