The thrill of wrapping up! As HOLO 2 nears completion, a world of detail falls into place. Excited yet? Here are ten (more) reasons why we are. The restless (color coded) loop of featured artist Jürg Lehni’s Flood Fill – Clock (2009) shown above couldn’t capture the current, final, stage of magazine production any better.…
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228 ResultsCreated by LUSTlab in collaboration with The Mobile City, Binnen de Lijnen is part of an ongoing research project called Public Space – Public Matter from Trancity. Over 100 children took part in colouring the playground which visualised the spatial organization of Schilderswijk’s social life.
ESC is a game where the protagonist attempts to escape their own reality. Unlike most video games, which offer players an escape into narrative worlds where they wield power, ESC flips this dynamic, exploring themes of freedom and constraint in video games and highlighting the limits of our own existence.
gr1dflow is a collection of artworks created through code, delving into the world of computational space. While the flowing cells and clusters showcase the real-time and dynamic nature of the medium, the colours and the initial configuration of the complex shapes are derived from blockchain specific metadata associated with the collection.
Created by Julius von Bismarck & Benjamin Maus, Round About Four Dimensions sculpture represents a “hypercube”, “four-cube” or “tesseract”, often cited in mathematical and physical theories to illustrate concepts beyond three spatial dimensions.
A new series of hybrid events, interviews, and a podcast featuring a range of eclectic perspectives from faculty, current program participants, and special guests on the intersection of Responsible AI, media, and design in a state of climate emergency.
Repeater is a custom software that creates a feedback loop between a pen plotter and a pen digitizer. The process starts with the pen plotter tracing the description text. At the same time the software records and draws the text on the screen as captured by the pen digitizer.
61.4223 invites viewers to experience the moment of contemplative observation of a transformed landscape. Comprised of sculptural representations of German open pit mines inside a 1m³ cube, and alongside mechanisms that mimic the movement of (counterpart) excavators, the installation visualizes exactly how many cubic meters of earth have been moved since the installation started.
Luciferins—inspired by bioluminescent fish and the plethora of invisible network traffic that surrounds us—is an interactive environment of hanging fiber structures, filling a 15 x 15 foot space.
KRILLER is an eternally looping, seven day, globally synced audio-visual broadcast of synth soaked ambient software (online) experience. The weeklong broadcast is divided into 6300 software art ‘cassettes’, each bound to a specific moment of time during the week, minted by its fabricator, and seamlessly fusing with its predecessor and successor to form audiovisual duets and mashups.
This announcement opens the opportunity to participate in the 22nd. Edition of the Electronic Language International Festival, which is scheduled to take place at the FIESP Cultural Center, in São Paulo, from July 5th to August 27th.
Created by Lingdong Huang at the Future Sketches Group (MIT Media Lab), “Semi-Realistic Rotary Experiences” is a set of experiments exploring augmentation of real life physical gestures of rotating things.
Found in Translation is an interactive, immersive installation where using their own spoken sentences, visitors viscerally experience the process of machine translation. Visualizations show how the machine learning model clusters words from different languages by semantic similarity, and translations are presented typographically and auditorily across 24 languages.
Registrations are opened to the 21st edition of FILE – Electronic Language International Festival, from October 15, 2019 to January 14, 2020. Since 2000 FILE is a non-profit cultural organization that has been promoting exhibitions, workshops and gatherings that seek to investigate the appropriations of the technologic media in artistic accomplishments. With annual exhibitions in São, in addition to participations…