Down to Earth – A Kinetic Audio Visual Installation by RAW

Down to Earth is an installation that uses electronics as its form of expression. No matter how loud we get to pronounce that mother earth is crying, we are going down the hill with no brakes at all. Despite all the ignorance, moreover, we neglect the case of projecting a future with the scarcity of…

A Heart from Space – A tool for collective GPS drawing

Sorry, this is Members Only content. Please Log-in. Join us today by becoming a Member. • Archive: Access thousands of projects, scores of essays, interviews and reviews.• Publish: Post your projects, events, announcements.• Discuss: Join our Discord for events, open calls and even more projects.• Education: Tutorials (beginners and advanced) with code examples and downloads.•…

Sensory Responsive Drawing Machine

This is my audio responsive 2D drawing machine, made with goal of creating automated art through live interactivity between 3D printer and environment. IIt is powered by custom Processing code (Java based), live gCode production, and a Lulzbot TAZ 4 3D printer. The normal plastic extruder has been replaced by a printed pen holder. This…

Wellograph – Drawing machine that raises awareness on water crisis

Created by TehranPlatform team, Wellograph is a temporary installation exhibited in 8th Tehran Annual Digital Art Exhibition, part as an installation and part as a performance. It uses a mobile drawing machine to turn layers of data into 120*120 cm drawings through a durational performance. Concentrating on environmental issues, the set of data chosen to…

NORAA (Machinic Doodles) – A human/machine collaborative drawing

Created by Jessica In, Machinic Doodles is a live, interactive drawing installation that facilitates collaboration between a human and a robot named NORAA – a machine that is learning how to draw. The work explores how we communicate ideas through the strokes of a drawing, and how might a machine also be taught to draw through learning, instead of via explicit instruction

Shanshui-DaDA: AI assists human creator in drawing Chinese ink wash landscape painting

“Shanshui-DaDA” is an interactive installation based on artificial intelligence. When participants scribble lines and sketch the landscape, the AI will help to create a Chinese Shanshui painting. “Shanshui-DaDA” is trained with “CycleGAN” and wrapped with a web-based interface, where participants can sketch on and later see the real-time generated paintings. If the participant sketches the…

Spheres of Influence – Drawing lifelines of the city

Created by the SCI-Arc Faculty members Curime Batliner and Jake Newsum for the for the third annual Mextropoli Festival, Spheres of Influence is a temporary installation installed in the patio of Laboratorio Arte Alameda. Part installation and part live performance,  it uses a robotic system from Staubli to paint layers of graphics (abstracted from the city) onto a series of human-scale spheres.

Land Lines – Drawing satellite imagery through gesture

Created by Zach Lieberman in collaboration with Google’s Data Arts team, ‘Land Lines’ is a web experiment that lets you explore Google Earth satellite imagery through gesture. “Draw” to find satellite images that match your every line; “Drag” to create an infinite line of connected rivers, highways and coastlines.

PyroGraph – Drawing machine that listens and burns

Created by Bjørn Karmann in collaboration with Nicolas Armand and Lars Kaltenbach, Pyrograph is a CIID project inspired by the thermal printers used for receipts in all shops. The Pyrograph draws with dots burned with a 450 °C tip on to paper and listen to the ambient sound in the room and distort the same.


Created at Goldsmiths (University of London) for the degree show project of MA computational Art, Zed is a real-time drawing device centred around the character Zed, intended to evoke a sense of sacredness akin to a religious ritual.

In “Voyage”, we travel through Southeast Asia, exploring its flora and fauna through watercolours selected from the National Museum of Singapore’s William Farquhar Collection of Natural History Drawings.

Drawing on more than a decade of research, award‑winning scholar Kate Crawford reveals how AI is a technology of extraction: from the minerals drawn from the earth to the labor pulled from low-wage information workers to the data taken from every action and expression.

Down to Earth is an installation that uses electronics as its form of expression. No matter how loud we get to pronounce that mother earth is crying, we are going down the hill with no brakes at all. Despite all the ignorance, moreover, we neglect the case of projecting a future with the scarcity of…

Category: Member Submissions

Sorry, this is Members Only content. Please Log-in. Join us today by becoming a Member. • Archive: Access thousands of projects, scores of essays, interviews and reviews.• Publish: Post your projects, events, announcements.• Discuss: Join our Discord for events, open calls and even more projects.• Education: Tutorials (beginners and advanced) with code examples and downloads.•…

Created by VTProDesign, ‘Aberration Lab’ is a participatory art experience that alchemizes user-submitted tweets into long exposure light paintings drawn in real time by a Kuka robot.

This is my audio responsive 2D drawing machine, made with goal of creating automated art through live interactivity between 3D printer and environment. IIt is powered by custom Processing code (Java based), live gCode production, and a Lulzbot TAZ 4 3D printer. The normal plastic extruder has been replaced by a printed pen holder. This…

Category: Member Submissions

Created by TehranPlatform team, Wellograph is a temporary installation exhibited in 8th Tehran Annual Digital Art Exhibition, part as an installation and part as a performance. It uses a mobile drawing machine to turn layers of data into 120*120 cm drawings through a durational performance. Concentrating on environmental issues, the set of data chosen to…

Category: Member Submissions

Created by Soonho Kwon, Harsh Kedia and Akshat Prakash, Anti-Drawing Machine project explores possible alternatives of how we engage with robots today—instead of purely utilitarian and precise, Anti-Drawing Machine is a robot that can be whimsical and imperfectly characteristic.

Created by Jessica In, Machinic Doodles is a live, interactive drawing installation that facilitates collaboration between a human and a robot named NORAA – a machine that is learning how to draw. The work explores how we communicate ideas through the strokes of a drawing, and how might a machine also be taught to draw through learning, instead of via explicit instruction

“Shanshui-DaDA” is an interactive installation based on artificial intelligence. When participants scribble lines and sketch the landscape, the AI will help to create a Chinese Shanshui painting. “Shanshui-DaDA” is trained with “CycleGAN” and wrapped with a web-based interface, where participants can sketch on and later see the real-time generated paintings. If the participant sketches the…

Category: Member Submissions

Uncanny Rd. is a drawing tool that allows users to interactively synthesise street images with the help of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). The project was created as a collaboration between Anastasis Germanidis and Cristobal Valenzuela to explore the new kinds of human-machine collaboration that deep learning can enable.

Created by Refik Anadol, “Melting Memories” is a series of digital artworks that explore materiality of remembering by offering new insights into the representational possibilities of EEG data collected on the neural mechanisms of cognitive control.

Created by Felix Ros, ‘Scribble’ is a haptic interface designed for autonomous cars that lets the driver draw their way through traffic. They draw a path and the car will follow, not letting them drive but pilot the car, helping the car when in need. Scribble is powered by an Arduino DUE that is controlled over a serial connection by a GUI made in openFrameworks.

Created by Refik Anadol in collaboration with Google’s Artists and Machine Intelligence program, ‘Archive Dreaming’ is a 6 meters wide circular installation that employs machine learning algorithms to search and sort relations among 1,700,000 documents.

Created by Seoul based duo Kimchi and Chips, “The Light Barrier Third Edition” is the latest and largest in the series of works by the studio to create volumetric drawings in the air using hundreds of calibrated video projections.

Created by the SCI-Arc Faculty members Curime Batliner and Jake Newsum for the for the third annual Mextropoli Festival, Spheres of Influence is a temporary installation installed in the patio of Laboratorio Arte Alameda. Part installation and part live performance,  it uses a robotic system from Staubli to paint layers of graphics (abstracted from the city) onto a series of human-scale spheres.

Created by Zach Lieberman in collaboration with Google’s Data Arts team, ‘Land Lines’ is a web experiment that lets you explore Google Earth satellite imagery through gesture. “Draw” to find satellite images that match your every line; “Drag” to create an infinite line of connected rivers, highways and coastlines.

Created by Pedro Lopes, Doğa Yüksel, François Guimbretière, and Patrick Baudisch at the Hasso Plattner Institut, Muscle-Plotter is an assistive interface that allows hand-drawn computation using EMS muscles actuation.

Created by Bjørn Karmann in collaboration with Nicolas Armand and Lars Kaltenbach, Pyrograph is a CIID project inspired by the thermal printers used for receipts in all shops. The Pyrograph draws with dots burned with a 450 °C tip on to paper and listen to the ambient sound in the room and distort the same.

Category: Arduino / Members / Processing

Created by Hansje van Halem, an independent graphic designer based in Amsterdam (NL). the following video and images are the latest in the series of experiments that explore tension between a systematic approach, legibility, and (ir)regularity in typography.

Designed by Robin Baumgarten, Line Wobbler is a one-dimensional arcade game that emerges from the combination of a unique ‘wobble’ controller and an LED strip.

Created by Quadrature, Kartograph is a drawing machine that updates old maps by drawing new geographic data over the infrastructure of old times using the internet.

Created by Miguel Nóbrega, Possible, Plausible, Potential is a set of three series of isometric drawings generated by code and printed with colored markers on a plotter machine. In these drawings, Miguel explores a bridge between the iterative aspect of algorithms and the utopian aspect of modern architecture.

Created by Zach Liebermann and part of the Android Experiments initiative, Ink Space is a experimental drawing tool which uses the accelerometer on your Android device to move the drawings you make in 3D.

Raw materials, satellite images, organic textures, brush strokes and architectural fragments are all blended together into a dense Google Maps style panorama extending in all directions.

Created by Binaura, LandWaves is a raw sonification of a 1D reaction diffusion system originally imagined as an installation and now available for iOS – the team’s first anti-app non-interactive piece designed for the app store.

In Karesansui, Aaaajiao used an algorithm and vvvv to create a landscape in a vector-field like arrangement of pitch-black mutant limbs, taking a viewer into an unsettling dystopian scenery of spawned beings growing out of the gallery’s floors, walls, and stairway, competing with each other.


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