Dotje [Environment, Objects, NXC]

In cooperation with Christien Meindertsma, Nils Völker developed an installation for Christien’s exhibition at the MU in Eindhoven (Netherlands). The exhibition was called “Makers & Spectators” and was about the human perception and the way we look at things.


The Lego calendar is a wall mounted time planner made entirely of Lego, but if you take a photo of it with a smartphone, and thanks to openFrameworks and openCV all of the events and timings are synchronised to an online, digital calendar.

In cooperation with Christien Meindertsma, Nils Völker developed an installation for Christien’s exhibition at the MU in Eindhoven (Netherlands). The exhibition was called “Makers & Spectators” and was about the human perception and the way we look at things.