Dotje [Environment, Objects, NXC]

In cooperation with Christien Meindertsma, Nils Völker developed an installation for Christien’s exhibition at the MU in Eindhoven (Netherlands). The exhibition was called “Makers & Spectators” and was about the human perception and the way we look at things.


Created by Kachi Chan, ‘Sisyphus’ is an installation featuring two robots engaged in endless cyclic interaction. Smaller robots build brick arches, whilst a giant robot pushes them down – propelling a narrative of construction and deconstruction.

Created at ECAL during a one week workshop led by Thibault Brevet, The Center for Counter-Productive Robotics is a collection of experiments where a robot was programmed to perform counter-productive tasks, with intention to develop a more human-centric approach to robotics.

In cooperation with Christien Meindertsma, Nils Völker developed an installation for Christien’s exhibition at the MU in Eindhoven (Netherlands). The exhibition was called “Makers & Spectators” and was about the human perception and the way we look at things.